Outdoor fitness for everyone

By placing equipment in public spaces, the sports area could also serve as a meeting place for the users and positively influence social cohesion.

healthy &

Outdoor sports are for all times and ages. Think of the former jogging tracks and equipment that ‘trimers’ and runners could use. These jogging tracks have practically disappeared, but the need for outdoor sports remains, given the increasing numbers of runners, young people who like to play soccer or exercise outdoors, and seniors who want to stay fit and vital. The desire for outdoor sports is increasing, but preferably under supervision and in a group.

Fitness equipment in public spaces can serve several purposes at the same time: by placing fitness equipment in a public place, the municipality or other authorities keep their residents healthy and vital while reducing healthcare costs.

Another advantage is that this way of exercising is cheaper and therefore also affordable for an economically weaker group. By placing the equipment in public space, the sports area could also serve as a meeting place for the users and positively influence social cohesion.


In collaboration with physiotherapists, IJslander developed the Fit4Life sports equipment which is suitable for placement in public spaces. The equipment exercises exactly the right body parts and/or muscles that keep the bodies of younger and older people flexible and vital.

The equipment of the series “Fifty+” is specifically aimed at the older generation: the specially developed exercises allow people to practice with movements from everyday life, such as climbing stairs. This way, elderly people stay active and fit.

“Twenty+” equipment is fit for younger people: this age group mainly wants to get fit and train muscle strength or fitness.

Outdoor fitness

NEW! Fitness equipment for the disabled

We find it really important that everyone is able to move and practice sports. That’s why we always think of ways to include each and every member of the society. To promote joint outdoor sports with people with disabilities, we developed unique new equipment. This equipment can be used from both sides – simultaneously or individually. Curious to our innovative projects? Click here

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