Design your schoolyard

A good schoolyard challenges children.

They can play, release their energy or just relax.

A well-

There is more to designing a schoolyard than just placing some playground equipment.

It always starts with a well thought out design that matches the wishes and needs of the school and the children. Children need a safe environment where they can relax and be themselves. This gives them the opportunity to develop their personal and social skills. Besides that, physical activity makes children feel fitter and it improves concentration in the classroom after break times.

Correctly selected play equipment contributes to the motor development of children. The IJslander Bambino line has been specifically developed for children up to 6 years old. This equipment is smaller in size than regular playground equipment, has more balanced colours, clear visibility and an abstract design.

For older children, there are equipment styles offering more difficulty, speed and challenge. But not every child is the same; it is important to make room for free play and space where children can meet each other.

Long lifespan

Stainless steel has a long technical depreciation and is therefore cheaper over the entire lifespan than most other materials


Stainless steel is less susceptible to dirt and bacteria


The equipment is vandal-proof and therefore suitable for public spaces

The perfect opportunity for sports

Besides play, a school playground also offers the perfect opportunity for sports. Often, ball sports such as soccer in a panna cage are favourite. However, sports like free running and calisthenics are also very popular. The BarForz equipment enables users to train using their own body weight, without extra weights. This reduces the risk of injuries and accidents.

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