Sustainable cooperation

Spring 2017 Leisurelands opened the first custom made play equipment made by IJslander. The water play equipment is located at Strand Nulde, one of the twenty recreation areas operated by Leisurelands. At Leisurelands sustainable recreation is paramount and in all developments it is considered how the recreation area can be preserved.

One of the ways this can be achieved, is by cooperating with IJslander. This, because IJslander offers tailor made solutions for sports and play issues in the outdoor area with 100% reusable devices. In addition, the equipment is made of durable stainless steel. A material without harmful effects on the environment. IJslander and Leisurelands enter into a partnership for a least five years.

Photo: John Franken, managing director IJslander (l) and Erik Droogh, director Leisurelands (r)





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